It's Time to Reclaim Your Family Room or Garage!

Are you storing your books and products in your garage or family room for your inventory? Get.Ship.Done. can provide storage of those products for you and handle the order fulfillment so you don't have to. With 50,000 square feet of space we've got the room to let you get your room back!

It's just $15 per pallet per month to store your products in our Terre Haute, Indiana facility. How many pallets it takes to warehouse your products depends on how many different products you have and the size of those products.

For an author, a typical pallet will hold around 1500 6" x 9" books. And, we'll do all we can to minimize the number of pallets you have in storage to save you money. So, whether your product is books, posters, tee shirts, supplements, home study courses or anything else we can assist you.

Need more details? Call your Client Care Team at 812-877-7100 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday - Friday EST.

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